Youth Adult Sponsor

Title: St. Luke’s Youth Adult Sponsor

Purpose: To provide adult mentors for the young people of our congregation. To create inter-generational bonds within our church community.

Responsible to:
Erin Klein & Susan Johnson

Description of Duties:
Duties vary from teaching Sunday school, providing adult supervision for weekly activities (Sun & Wed), driving for miscellaneous outbound activities, helping lead discussions, help planning events or programs, attending retreats or mission trips. Amount of commitment/participation is up to the volunteer

Time Requirements: Through-out the month, 2-4 hours a week or as you feel called to participate

Term: As long as you continue to enjoy spending time with the group. Continued participation is appreciated so as to build relationships and trust with the youth

Training and Resources:
A yearly late fall training will be offered to cover matters regarding Safe Sanctuaries & the UM Family Ministries guidelines

Skills and gifts:
Passion for young people, energy, call to serve, team player

Benefits to one serving in this role:
Spending time each week with awesome teenagers
Helping mentor the next generation of the church

Completed by/date:
Erin K 8/25/11